Friday, June 25, 2010

Name, Ezekiel of birth...July 9th, 1983...parents, Mark and Mary-Pat...occupation, detective...

The more facts I ramble off, the more I remember who I am. The more I remember who I am, the less He can take from me.

I didn't have many friends growing up. The kids in school always used to make fun of me because I was the kid with the funny name. Ezekiel...I don't know why Mom ever named me that why the fuck would she subject me to that kind of ridicule...even after I told them all to just call me Zeke the insults the jokes the cat-calls they just kept coming kept coming kept coming kept coming kept coming-

He's staring at me right now. I can feel Him looking in on me. Leave me alone, man, just leave me alone, I didn't DO anything, I...

When I was nine, I got so fed up with the insults and the jokes that I snapped and one time during gym class Jimmy Cavaco pushed me against the folding chair stacks and they all crashed on to the floor and everyone laughed at me and I didn't say anything and I grabbed a folding chair and I started beating him up with it and he was crying and pleading with me to stop and I didn't stop and everyone was just staring at me and why didn't I stop and two teachers had to pull me off him and they told me I could have killed him and I didn't MEAN to kill him and that's when I learned I had intermittent explosive disorder and the doctor tried to help me but he never believed me when I told him what was causing it-

Leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me ALONE LEAVE ME ALONE LEAVE ME ALONE LEAVE ME

They never listened. They never heard. They never believed me when I told them that a man kept coming into my room in the middle of the night. The Nightmare Man. The man who wore a suit and had no face and had arms that made it look like He wanted to hug me and He did hug me and He showed me these things and at first they were great but then they were not and He scared me and He knew it and He wanted to take me and I told my mom I said Mommy the Nightmare Man wants to take me away don't let Him take me Mommy but she did not listen she did not listen she did not FUCKING LISTEN!


One of my guns just went off.



  1. Zeke! Zeke are you okay. I'm sorry man, just answer quick! If you escape you know where to go. Please be alright man!
